
We are a private security services company with more than 35 years in the market,
specialized in the airport field. We offer solutions and security professionals from
first level, providing an exceptional security service for all your needs.


MSA Seguridad S.R.L. was founded in 1987, and since then it has provided security services in numerous locations dedicated to the most diverse areas, especially in the business field, protecting industrial plants and warehouses located in the Province of Buenos Aires, with great professionalism, and working in close collaboration with the police authorities, in order to carry out crime prevention work.

In 2010, after being authorized by the Airport Security Police, the company focused its offer of private security services on the airport field, since then achieving great growth in client companies, in the number of collaborators and in services offered.

The acquisition of various X-ray scanning equipment, to be used in airport areas, allowed us to offer baggage, cargo and mail scanning services to a growing number of airlines that hire our services.


Along with this process of acquisition, modernization and constant renovation of equipment and technical and technological means, progress was made in a training program for our collaborators, with contents that expand those that are the result of the required basic training. With this process we have been able to identify and enhance their capabilities to provide a comprehensive service of excellence, adding the best human capacity to the best technological capacity.

As a result of this process, in 2019 our Company won a tender in which all airport security companies participated to provide checked baggage screening services (HBS) for all airlines that fly from the new Single Passenger Terminal at EZE. To grant this service, a scoring system was used, in which our Company far outperformed the rest in both the technical and commercial aspects. This positioned us as the No. 1 Airport Security Company in Argentina, being the only one that will provide services to all the airlines that operate from the main airport in Argentina.

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